The Domaine des Peyroues in Mougins

The Domaine des Peyroues in Mougins,human sized, quiet and easy to access

The Domaine des Peyroues is located west of Mougins, on the edge of the commune of Mouans Sartoux and very close to the Mouans Sartoux /La Roquette sur Siagne exit on the Pénétrante (Cannes-Grasse highway)

Its secure entrance is through a gate on the Chemin des Peyroues, but the estate is made up essentially of two roads: Avenue Rossini which is circular and goes round the Estate, and Avenue Verdi in the center - a dead end.

In all, the estate covers more than 100,000m² divided into 56 residential lots.
The creation of the Domaine des Peyroues dates back to the beginning of the 1960s. Just like the Parc Saint Martin which we told you about in a previous article, the Domaine des Peyroues is also a condominium that operates with an Association Syndicale Libre (ASL), but with the difference that the owners in the Domaine des Peyroues have chosen the help of a professional management company. Every year, a general assembly is organized, usually around the end of April. It is a friendly area where “la fête des voisins” (Neighbors Day) is held every year. The majority of the properties are used as main homes with only a few being holiday homes.

The main advantages of the domain are: its ease of access, its calm, and unlike other domains in Mougins, the Domaine des Peyroues remains on a human scale.


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