Let’s go to Mougins Village

One of the requirements of people looking to , is that it should be accessible to the old village. This is not always easy to find but at least from July 1st to August 31st, the Mougins tourist office offers a free shuttle to the village from 17h to midnight. Ideal for all residents and vacationers in Mougins they can enjoy a good dinner without worrying about parking or having a drink too much (is it necessary to repeat that the abuse of alcohol is dangerous for your health!)

The departure of the shuttle is in the village, and it goes down Courteline to the Val de Mougins, Tournamy, les Juyettes, Rebuffel, again the village, St Basil, Qui vend bon, Moulin de la Croix and back to its terminus in the village.

For More information, call the Mougins tourist office on 04 93 75 87 67


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